Its 8 o’clock in the morning, and see the bright beautiful sun shining through my windows. I smell the spam getting fried, and the hear coolers getting packed. I jump out of bed from all of the excitement that’s waiting ahead. Then I go into the kitchen to greet the family “good morning” and ask “do you need help with anything” their reply is “of course!”. So now I am off to work to get the day started.
Next, I see my aunty going through our long checklist of things to pack. I hear her saying the list to herself “spam musubi’s …. check, chocolate cupcakes … check, plates, napkins, forks… check”. I am so excited to start a long fun filled day ahead of me. We finally get ready by loading all of the coolers, boogie boards, sand boards, chairs, tents, volleyball and hibachi. We pack 2 cars full of beach supplies to keep us busy the whole day. I am impatiently waiting in my uncle’s truck to reach Mokulei’a beach. We drive for 45 minutes listening to the radio and talking story with my uncle Jon.
I finally see the beach after my long ride and now I’m super excited to start my day off with my family. Everyone’s gets out of their cars and starts unpacking. One by one I then see my auntie’s, uncle’s, and cousins arriving to join us on this beautiful day at the beach. “Thank goodness our beach isn’t that crowded today,” I tell my mom. Next I grab one side of the tent and help my uncle set it up. As a result we have instant shade, our 20x20 tent and a and a 10x10 pop up tent on the side of that, on the inside we have a table full of ono BBQ meat, dessert, chili, and a lot more. We also have at least a dozen chairs scattered under our tent, with mats on the sand.
I see the sun shining bright and saw I looked a little white so I grab my towel and run to lay in the sun to get a nice tan. I look behind me and see my cousins grab their towels and lay them out next to me. After about 10 minutes go by I decide to jump into the ocean to cool off, while running to the water I can see my dog Marley running after me. As I jump into the ocean I think to my self “OMG this feels so good right now!” It’s lunch time and the whole family is here to join us for a nice day at the beach, and there are at least 20 of us.
After lunch, my cousins and I grab our buckets to make our ramp for sand boarding into the water. We finally finish after 15 minutes of busting our butts off. I yell out “It’s time to sand board!”. I see my cousins grab their board and head down the hill riding with two feet on the board going down a steep ramp of sand. I think to myself “what am I doing still standing here?” so I grab my board and join the fun. I go down the hill so many times I lose track after the fifth time. I am now tired of falling into the hard sand and salty ocean, so I slowly walk back up the hill of sand and reach for my phone in my bag. I look at my phone to see what time it is and “it’s 7 o’clock already!” My mom says “Brookie go call your cousins we’re about to leave soon”. We eat again one last time before cleaning up. So my cousins and I gather our belongings and help clean up. Mokulei’a is where I can be myself and at the same time have a bunch of fun with my family.