Polly, Shelly, Brittany, and Alisa are all patients of The
Renfrew Center in Coconut Creek, Florida that is a 40- bed residential facility
for the treatment of women with eating disorders. Director Lauren Greenfield
and Producer R.J Cutler were given the access of going to therapy sessions,
mealtimes and daily weight-gains, and their personal relationships with each
other and family and staff.
The movie “Thin” was very in depth of what the life of 20-30
year old women with eating disorders are like. I thought this movie was very
enjoyable but coming to the end it got more and more dull because it was the
same thing happening over and over again. At other times I felt a little
disgusted but at the same time a little sad by the way I was seeing some women
eating so little and seeing the way they felt about themselves when really they
are pretty women that care to much about their appearances. You can buy this 1
hour 42 minute documentary on amazon.com.
It played once on HBO for the public to see what some people go through.
If you are starting to have second thoughts about your body,
but at the same time still very skinny, I recommend you to watch this because
it teaches you how ridiculous of trouble some women go through. So many women
go through unnecessary things just to get “their” perfect body image. I learned
that you everyone is special in their own way and you shouldn’t change for
Some improvements I would suggest for this documentary is to
not be so long of the same things such as eating, weighing, etc. But overall, I
thought this documentary was well put together and very interesting. You learn
that many women around the world over react on the way they look and in the end
become unhealthy and the opposite of what they should look like.